Exploring Poland, Heritage Study Tour - Summer 2015

Please see information below regarding an upcoming trip to Poland for undergraduate and graduate students. Additional information is available at 21stcenturypolonia.pl.

Exploring Poland/Polin, Heritage Study Tour, Summer 2015

Take part in the intensive immersion program, created by the Taube Center and supported by a grant from the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs! Built on the success of last summer’s pilot program, "Towards a 21st Century
Polonia: Explore, Connect, Get Involved.", this year, the Taube Center is offering 11-day heritage study tour for undergraduate and graduate students.

Date: August 3-14

The program, led by a faculty advisor, includes interactive workshops, walking tours, site visits, panel discussions with prominent academics and experts, Polish and Yiddish language lessons, as well as many opportunities to meet with peers and young professionals as participants explore Poland past and present.

Almost all expenses are covered by the grant, excluding international airfare, travel insurance, and personal expenses. Applications can be found here: 21stcenturypolonia.pl/recruitment.html