Support for Refugee Services Needed

The Polish American Association needs your immediate support.

The effects of the war in Ukraine, as well as the situation in Venezuela and other countries now in conflict, are devastating for individuals. Widows, orphans, and broken families are traumatized in ways only those who have seen combat, been refugees or displaced can fully understand, but it touches all of us through family history.

The PAA is taking on a monumental leadership position in receiving current refugee cases. Historically, we have served mostly Poles during our own emigration era, but we have broadened our mission and opened our doors to immigrants of all backgrounds. Our experience is unsurpassed and reputation burnished for over 100 years. All services are culturally sensitive and delivered in English, Polish, Ukrainian, Spanish, and several other languages as we assist others through their own migration experiences.

Although the PAA receives government funds, these are nowhere near enough to carry the weight our agency is under with this crushing situation. We need to expand programming and facilities to meet the frenzied demands that only grow. Food, employment, legal assistance, mental health services, parenting support, language classes, translation services, and hotline support are only a fraction of our daily activities.

While these are global circumstances, the PAA is focused on local and daily support of those settling in the US, enabling immigrants and refugees to heal and begin a new life here. We offer the less headline-grabbing but very real work to provide resources for changing lives.

We expect that demands on our agency will increase over the long term and our fundraising requests of you will certainly continue. Please help us by making your donation today.

Each of us is here because someone had courage. Perhaps you can donate in the name of someone you love or someone you miss. From whichever country you have origins, a family member in your past braved coming here, started a new life, and an organization of individuals helped them settle. The PAA is such an agency.

Wishing you a peaceful holiday season,

Polish American Association

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