A little bit can go a long way. Please donate today! SUPPORT our mission, JOIN our community, BUILD our future.
Your gift to the Polish American Association could be matched dollar for dollar by your employer!
Your company can help you to support our worthy cause. The matching gift programs, offered by many companies, can double or triple your donation. Check with your company to find out if they have a matching gift program. Please ask your employer if they will match your contribution to the Polish American Association.
If you have questions about your company’s matching gift program, please contact your company’s personnel office for information and recommended procedure for a matching gift verification request.
If your company uses an online gift platform, submit a matching gift verification request through your company’s online portal.
To process your gift, you may need the Polish American Association Tax Identification Number, also known as Employee Identification Number or EIN - 36-224-0816.
For more information call our office at 773-427-6311. Thank you for your support!
Terms and Conditions
Tax-exempt Donation
The Polish American Association is a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Your gift is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by IRS laws. Additional information on supporting the Association may be obtained by contacting PAA at:
3834 N. Cicero Avenue Chicago, IL 60641
Phone: (773) 427-6304
Donation Validation and Acceptance
When you place a donation through the Polish American Association (website), we will verify your method of payment, and address before processing your donation. No personnel or credit card information will be retained by the PAA.
Privacy Policy
We Will Never Take You, Our Donor for Granted
Polish American Association has been a registered non profit organization in Illinois since 1922. In all of our years, we have stood firm on the respect we have for our clients, donors, and other friends.
Polish American Association will use our best efforts to respect and protect the privacy of our donors. We will not share, barter or sell your name, address, phone numbers or e-mail address with third parties.
We Care About Doing It Right
In addition to maintaining privacy and security controls over information you share with us, Polish American Association also works to accurately process your contribution information. Staff are available during normal business hours to answer questions about your financial donation.
Electronic Communication
When you place a donation through the Polish American Association (website), you are required to provide a valid e-mail address, which we may use to communicate with you regarding the status of your donation and to provide you with any other notices, disclosures or other issues relating to your donation. The Polish American Association will not be responsible for any damage you incur, or information you do not receive, as a result of your failure to provide a valid e-mail address.
Internet Security and Privacy
The Polish American Association (website) follows the industry standard, Secure Sockets Layer protocol, "SSL," for the transfer of data over the internet. When placing a donation online, a "key-lock" icon will appear in the bottom right of your browser window. This icon is your confirmation that SSL has been activated for the transfer of your personal information. A second indication of SSL activation is that the displayed URL will begin with "https".